Energy Campaign

PEA Board Meeting: May 25, 2016

The Philadelphia Energy Authority will hold a board meeting Wed., May 25, 2016 at 4:30 PM,at the Community College of Philadelphia, Center for Business & Industry, Room C2-5, 1751 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Agenda items include budget, human resource and financial policy approval, and other business that may properly come before the board.  The public […]

Philadelphia ranks 4th for highest energy burden on low income households

Philadelphia ranks 4th for highest energy burden on low income households Energy burden is the percentage of household income spent on home energy bills. In this report we measure the energy burden of households in 48 of the largest American cities. We find that low-income, African-American, Latino, low-income multifamily, and renter households all spend a […]

Sharing the human face of energy efficiency | ACEEE

Source: Sharing the human face of energy efficiency | ACEEE Energy Efficiency Primer Fact Sheets: Saving Energy Helps American Families Saving Energy Helps American Businesses and Creates Jobs Saving Energy Improves Americans’ Health and the Environment