City of Philadelphia RFP for Smart Cities Roadmap

The City of Philadelphia, through the Office of Technology and Innovation, has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a comprehensive and strategic Smart Cities roadmap. This roadmap will guide the city in its efforts to develop and utilize interconnected information, communication, and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to strengthen its ability to serve Philadelphia’s […]

SEPTA Request for Proposal (RFP): Main Office Building

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (“SEPTA”) is soliciting proposals (“Proposals”) to enter into a Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract (a “GESC” or “Contract”) for SEPTA’s Main Office Building located at 1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (the “Project”). SEPTA is utilizing a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) solicitation process for this procurement. SEPTA’s intent is to engage […]

Philadelphia Museum of Art: Request for Qualifications

The Philadelphia Energy Authority (“PEA”), the Philadelphia Museum of Art (“PMA”) and the City of Philadelphia (the “City,” together with PEA and PMA referred to as the “Administrator”) intends to commence a guaranteed energy savings project (“Project”) for the PMA located at 2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, 2525 Pennsylvania Ave, and 2151 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia. […]

RFI for Website Design Services

Philadelphia Energy Authority Request for Proposals for Website Design Services January 2017 Issued by: Philadelphia Energy Authority The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) is seeking proposals from qualified web design and communications companies to provide website design, web content support, and create a new website for the organization. The Philadelphia Energy Authority is seeking a web […]


SEPTA will accept Requests for Proposals in SEPTA’s General Offices, 1234 Market Street, 11th Fl., Philadelphia, Pa 19107 for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems at Various SEPTA Locations. Proposals will be accepted until Tuesday, January 17th at 04:30 PM. A Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held on Monday, December 19th and a tour of the various SEPTA […]