
Press Release from Major Nutter and City Council

Press Release from Major Nutter and City Council Mayor Nutter and City Council President Clarke recognize momentum of PEA with a joint press release on Thursday, April 3rd, 2014. Click here to see the full press release from City Council Click here to see the full press release from Major’s Office of Communication

PEA Staff was Introduced to City Council

PEA staff was introduced to City Council on Thursday Left to Right: Lu Xu (intern), Barbara McNutt (intern), Councilman Kenney, Councilman Jones, Christian Pezanowski (intern), Jill Kowalski (Executive Director), Christopher Lewis (PEA Chairman)

Energy Alert – House Passes Energy Efficiency Bill

Energy Alert – House Passes Energy Efficiency Bill On March 5, 2014, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2126, the “Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014,” by a vote of 375-36. This bill largely focuses on energy efficiency in buildings. It requires the General Services Administration (GSA), in consultation with the Department of Energy (DOE) and […]

MOS Releases Municipal Benchmarking Report

MOS Releases Municipal Benchmarking Report In June 2012, City Council passed energy benchmarking and disclosure legislation requiring all commercial buildings 50,000 square feet or larger to use Portfolio Manager to report their energy and water usage annually to the City of Philadelphia, beginning with 2012 data. A year ahead of this requirement, the Mayor’s Office […]

Philadelphia City Energy Project Launch

Philadelphia City Energy Project Launch Philadelphia, January 29, 2014 – Mayor Michael Nutter announced that Philadelphia has been selected to join The City Energy Project (CEP), a national, 10-city effort to significantly boost energy efficiency in large commercial buildings. Philadelphia’s participation in CEP is expected to lower energy bills by as much as $77 million and may […]