Renewable Energy Power Purchasing Agreement – Request for Proposals

Advancing clean and efficient energy is a priority for the City of Philadelphia. Vision 3 of Greenworks: A Vision for a Sustainable Philadelphia focuses toward a future where all Philadelphians efficiently use clean energy that they can afford. To further that vision, the City of Philadelphia in partnership with the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) are […]

Philadelphia Museum of Art GESA Request for Proposals

The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA), City of Philadelphia (City), and Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA), through the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for qualified Energy Service Company (ESCO) to perform an energy performance contract under the Pennsylvania Guaranteed Energy Savings Act (GESA) earlier this year. In response to the RFQ, […]

RFP: Solar Manufacturer

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to solicit pricing proposals from solar PV manufacturers and distributors for solar modules and inverters for use by solar installers participating in the Solarize Philly campaign. Solarize Philly is interested in bulk purchasing these two items to yield meaningful price reductions in the program costs. The […]

Solarize Philly Installer RFP

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is to solicit business information and pricing proposals from solar PV installers that are interested in participating in the Solarize Philly campaign. The Philadelphia Energy Authority (“PEA”) expects to select multiple vendors for the 18-month program. Solarize Philly is a citywide program, led by the Philadelphia Energy […]

Professional Energy Performance Engineering (EPE) Services for Energy Pilot Project

The School District of Philadelphia is requesting proposals from qualified engineering firms who can provide energy performance engineering (EPE) services or owner’s representative companies or any company that feels as though they can satisfy this scope as the School District moves forward with an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) through the PA Guaranteed Energy Savings Act […]