Philadelphia Request for Proposals: Wastewater Treatment Plants GESA
The Philadelphia Energy Authority (“PEA”) together with the City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Gas Works (“PGW”), referred to as the “Procurement Team,” intends to commence a guaranteed energy savings project (“Project”) for two Philadelphia Water Department (“PWD”) sites: Northeast Water Pollution Control Plant (NE WPCP), 3899 Richmond St. Southwest Water Pollution […]
Reinvestment Fund – Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Pre-Qualified Technical Energy Service Providers
Introduction Reinvestment Fund, a nationally recognized Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), is seeking to expand its pool of pre-qualified Technical Energy Service Providers (TESPs) to support its growing clean energy and energy efficiency lending portfolio. Through this RFQ, Reinvestment Fund aims to pre-qualify firms to provide comprehensive energy services across multiple areas, such as […]
PIDC Request for Proposals: Navy Yard Utilities Market Advisor & Procurement Manager
The Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC), acting on behalf of the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development (PAID), is seeking to engage a qualified Electricity Market Advisor and Curtailment Service Provider for expert electricity market consulting services and official representation in the PJM Capacity and Energy markets. PIDC operates the PAID owned private electric distribution system […]
PGCC & PEA Request for Proposals: Technical Assistance for Tax Credit Advisory
August 5, 2024 (OPEN): The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) and the Philadelphia Green Capital Corp. (PGCC) have released a new Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit pricing proposals from firms (“Consultant”). The Consultant will provide technical assistance in leveraging federal tax credits for renewable and energy efficiency projects in Southeast Pennsylvania. Specifically, the Consultant is expected […]
Adams Solar Project – Civil Construction RFP
Energix EPC US, LLC (‘Energix’) is seeking proposals for the civil construction work for the Adams Solar Project located near Gettysburg, PA. Please review the project information and scope herein, and direct any questions to Darren Green, prior to submitting your proposal. This request for proposals and all attachments hereto, and any other information provided […]