Philadelphia Energy Authority RFP: Solar Developers and Installers for Solarize Philly
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is to solicit information from solar PV developers and installers (“Contractors”) that offer solar PV installation, storage and/or financing options for participating in Solarize Philly, a group-buying program to help all Philadelphians go solar. The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) is seeking qualified Contractors to deliver cost-competitive solar […]
PEA – Three Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for Frankford High School Solar Lab: (1) HVAC; (2) Electrical; and (3) Window installation
Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) requests proposals for improvements to the solar lab at Frankford High School, located at 5000 Oxford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19124 and owned by the School District of Philadelphia. PEA is simultaneously issuing three Requests for Proposals for prime contractors for the following: HVAC to provide adequate climate control and ventilation for […]
PEA and the City of Philadelphia – Request for Proposals (RFP) for LED Streetlighting, Controls and Networking
The Philadelphia Energy Authority (“PEA”) and the City of Philadelphia (the “City” and with PEA the “Procurement Team”) intends to commence an energy efficiency project (“Project”) for the conversion of streetlighting from High Pressure Sodium (“HPS”) luminaires to Light Emitting Diode (“LED”) luminaires throughout Philadelphia’s city boundaries that is controllable through remote monitoring on a […]
PEA and the City of Philadelphia – Request for Proposal (RFP) for Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Project Northeast Philadelphia Airport
The Philadelphia Energy Authority (“PEA”), on behalf of the City of Philadelphia (“City”), requests proposals for electricity and renewable energy credits (“RECs”) to be generated from a 1.6-2 MW (ac) distributed solar photovoltaic (“PV”) resource at the Northeast Philadelphia Airport (“PNE”), through a long-term power purchase agreement (“PPA” or “Contract”), with commercial operation in the […]
School District of Philadlphia’s RFP for Guaranteed Energy Savings Act (GESA) Contract Inclusive of Energy Efficient Building Upgrades
The School District of Philadelphia’s Office of Capital Programs (OCP) is requesting proposals from qualified Energy Services Companies (ESCO’s) to provide building upgrades in support of the GESA-2 project. The objective of this RFP is to solicit proposals for a project to assist the Owner to become as energy efficient as possible through installation of […]
Office of Sustainability’s RFP for Consulting Services
Opportunity Number: 21210204192242 Contracting Department: MAYOR-OFFICE OF SUSTAINABILITY Type of Service: PS Small Order Purchase Posting Date: 2/8/2021 Closing Date: 3/26/2021 5:00:00 PM Amount: $0 to $75,000.00 Opportunity Description: The Consultant will collaborate with the Office of Sustainability (OOS) to successfully implement two key buildings programs – Energy Benchmarking (Benchmarking) and the Building Energy Performance […]
PHDC RFQ for Restore, Repair, Renew – Participating Lenders
PHDC is pleased to issue this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to interested qualified vendors to originate and service loans related to PHDC’s Restore, Repair, Renew—Philadelphia Neighborhood Home Preservation Loan Program (RRR). Questions Questions and requests for additional information should be directed in writing to with the subject line “RRR Lender RFQ” and will be accepted until 3pm on […]
Adams County, PA Solar Project – Pre-Qualification
ENGIE and Community Energy anticipate beginning construction of the Adams County, PA solar project in May 2020. The 80-megawatt solar array will generate 22% of the City of Philadelphia’s expected consumption over a long-term contract. As the largest solar construction project in the region, the development will consist of multiple arrays of solar panels mounted […]
PEA, and the City of Philadelphia – Request for Qualification (RFQ) for LED Streetlighting, Controls and Networking
The Philadelphia Energy Authority (“PEA”), and the City of Philadelphia (the “City,” together referred to as the “Administrator”) intends to commence an energy efficiency project (“Project”) for the conversion of streetlighting from High Pressure Sodium (“HPS”) fixtures to Light Emitting Diode (“LED”) fixtures throughout Philadelphia’s city boundaries that is controllable through remote monitoring on a […]
PHDC’s Home Improvement Program is soliciting a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for new contractors
PHDC’s Home Improvement Program is soliciting a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for new contractors This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) provides interested contractors with the information required to prepare and submit qualifications for consideration by the PHDC to satisfy the need for home rehabilitation services, accessibility modifications and asthma trigger reductions (collectively, “improvements”) to be provided […]